Data Protection Authorities

You can find contact information of all DPAs and statistics of GDPR fines imposed for respective countries here.

Highest fines by country

€ 746,267,200
(at 19 fines)

420 fines
(€ 55,518,510 in total)

(All GDPR fines statistics reference: GDPR Enforcement Tracker by CMS. Last updated: 25 May, 2022)

Highest fines by violation

Non-compliance with general data processing principles
815,860,544 in total
(at 242 fines)

Insufficient legal basis for data processing
383 fines
(€ 446,386,231 in total)

Highest fines by sector

Industry and Commerce
€ 796,630,142
(at 255 fines)

Industry and Commerce
255 fines
(€ 796,630,142  in total)